
About this Outreach


Fearless Paintball is a fellowship opportunity designed to produce a fearless, faithful, and thankful attitude in life all while having fun and building a RELIABLE and LOVING FAMILY.



Next Event Date:


”Pricing is held to a minimum in order to grow paintball and provide opportunity.“ -Ian

  1. Marker, tank, hopper, mask, pods & pack = Provided by Ministry (Currently, 20 sets available.)

  2. Lunch = Provided by Ministry

  3. Admission w/all day air = $25

  4. Paintballs = $7 for every 500, if ordered two weeks in advance. $14 for every 500, otherwise.

Common Questions:


This fellowship opportunity is open to anybody (ages 10+) who desires to play paintball in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere.


Paintball games! We pick a day to play paintball together. At the event, we focus on team building skills, appreciation to God for the opportunity, and expressing our love and support for one another.


Event dates will be posted above and on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Website Blog).


Mostly, we play at Action Star Games (ASG Family) in Perris, CA. Please check the event address name above.


For paintball in a positive environment, fun fellowship, and to gain life skills such as teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and athleticism! We plan to pray in the morning and have a small devotional during lunch.


Contact us for more information by using our contact information page link below:

Join Our Paintball Group!

If you prefer using Facebook or would like paintball related updates, feel free to join our Fearless Paintball Group!
