Trading Card Game - In Development
To win you must fully illuminate your Lamp first! The good in the Bible will help you do so, while the evil poses threats and extinguishes that Light. All designed to have tons of fun, learn scripture, and help build this nonprofit.

Our Founding Verse
As fearful as we could become in taking on the ever-growing objectives of The Fearless Cause, it is with this organization’s founding verse of Isaiah 41:10 that we intend to always remind ourselves that God is to remain in charge of all we do and that we shall simply progress forward WITHOUT ANY FEAR and knowing that everything is and will always be, for Him.

About The Founders
Someone once said, “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:10-13) and that is exactly what Gayle is to me. Her heart of gold and mind full of compassion are a constant reminder each day, that God loves.
Gayle’s background includes a professional career in emergency medicine, with much time spent on ambulances and in hospitals. She is also a firefighter and has an education which supports both medicine and firefighting.
A bit difficult to talk about myself, I am a soft-spoken and shy-natured individual which is why I need to overcome a fear in God’s grand and easily deterring objectives within this ministry. While not being sure of what the future maintains, my intent is just to hold on tight and be fearlessly faithful to Him.
My background includes six years in the US Navy as a Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman with two deployments to the war in Iraq. After honorable discharge, I worked on an ambulance which is where I met my lovely wife.
My education is in medicine and environmental sciences, and at the time of this writing, I am a city water treatment operator.
We ARE NOT perfect. We, just as everyone else, have temptations & struggles in our lives. As such, our goal is to combat those worldly characteristics from a spiritual perspective more each day. And just like you, sometimes we do not win; though, we always encourage and pray for each other to get back up & try again. We do have many successes. Gayle and I have both conceded many of the worldly ways which existed from when we were younger - that said, we ARE NOT above anyone and want to create a community and family that strives for similar goals.
Thank you for your continued support and may God bless each and every one of you as we stand united and fearlessly for Him.